Monday, November 13, 2006

Hello Again,

Sorry that it has taken me so long to add in another chapter. Life here hase been surprisingly busy. School has been good. I have been asked to say on until Easter, so at least they must think i am doing some what of a good job.

I loved coming home today. I got some fantastic mail, Monica sent a picture of baby Claire and i also received a Will Warren original piece of artwork. I have been showing these two treasures off to everyone. Claire now has the honour of being the most beautiful baby in Canada and Great Britain!!!

To give you a bit more of Scotland here are a few more pictures.

Stirling, the home of William Wallace (the original as opposed to the man we had our picture with), and King of Scotland Robert the Bruce (watch Mel's Braveheart for an update on the history. Stirling Castle was by far better than Edinburgh Castle and well worth the trip. The surrounding area was a beautiful view.

Here is a memorial of Robert the Bruce, if you look closely you will also see the William Wallace Monument in the back ground (bottom right corner).

This is called Stirling Bridge. Ange has a thing for bridges, and i must say, i proved how much i value our friendship in order to get this shot - having wet feet sucks!!!!!! The bridge was very cool and built in the 15 hundreds, cobbled stones, and full of history. I loved it.

Also took a quick trip to Alva Glen to climb a mountain to see some water falls. As you can see the fog rolled in and it was thick.

After Stirling we traveled to Glasgow. Now, we were to go by train, but there was a transit distruption, so in desperation we caught a bus in the hopes that we would be able to make our train connection in Glasgow north to Oban. Trafis was not on our side. We missed our train and had to spend the night in Glasgow. It ended up that we shared a hostel room with an olympic champion. This woman had the destinction of being able to perform unique breathing technique while asleep. If put up against Dad she would win HANDS DOWN. i have never heard such snoring in my life!!!! I did not sleep.

Finally we got to Oban, and the rain found us there!!!!! Please stay tuned for the next installment. Hope all is well. Miss ya,


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