Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Hello All!
So it has been a while for some and even longer for others that i have not talked to or seen. Things here are good. Mum, Dad, Murray, Sherri, Emily , and Molly can for a visit a few short weeks ago, and it was so great to see them. We had lots of laughs, lots and LOTS of back seat driving, and lots and lots of fun (at least on my part).

So they arrived and off we went from London Gatwick to Birmingham England. It was a bit of a long day for them.

Dad and i picked up the car and then everyone got to see where i live - and with whom i live. It was nice to introduce everyone.

Next day we were off early, and i only got slightly lost as we headed out of Birmingham. Shrewsbury, England was our first stop. Saw lots of Tudor Homes (you know when Henry VII, Henry VII, Bloody Mary, Elizabeth, etc. lived). These buildings were built in 1400's and they are still used today!

Then off to Wales. Spent some time in Llangollan. Took a very "interesting" train ride. Dad thought it was a highlight - well not quite. Still at least i was not driving!

Stopped at Trevor, Wales to see the Aquaducts. Walked across - it was rather high.

Fantastic weather, fantastic scenery as we drove through the mountains.

Stopped by our first castle in Cowny. Got to explore the ruins and have a look at how the Kings lived.

This is Conwy bay.

Drove to Holyhead for the ferry - had some fish n chips by the seaside - a total must in England.

Ferry crossing was really smooth - even if Murray lost his wife for a bit. Meanwhile Sherri was outside on deck.

Dublin was...okay. Did not see all that much, but it was a city and you know how they look. I was excited to see the Book of Kells. Very beautiful and in the Trinity College Library. Went to some good pubs and enjoyed some really good lamb stew.
Trinity College:

Off to Kildare next to see the Irish National Stud and Japanese Gardens. Sherri loved the horse barns and Murray was mentally adding up the cost. By the end i think he had pulled a few hairs out of his head. Really cool to see. The horses are world champions and make millions of dollars every year. The gardens were very nice as well. We could just imagine what it would be like when it was in full bloom.

Off to Kilkenny next. Went to the Black Abbey - 700 year old Catholic Church, saw the Kilkenny Castle (very cool - fully restored), walked around the city quite a bit. Dropped by the local boys private school to walk the grounds. Saw how the other side lives - it would be fairly odd going to boarding school i think. Met Father Joe Murphy - very nice priest that we had a chat with. Lots of graveyards were seen as well. At this point Emily leaves us to head back to Dublin, and there on to London to fly back to Canada. Having lost one of our number, we soldier on - and enjoy the extra space in the car!

Kilkenny Castle: a Butler Family bequest to the city of Kilkenny

Then we were off to Cahir - another Butler Castle. Maybe we should check to see if we have any Butlers in our family tree...

Next we went to Kilarney - big drive to get there. We back roaded it and had the first real experience of small, twisty roads. Once there we went to have a breif look around. Stayed in a very large place - used to be the house of the local Lord. We had a bit of trouble leaving the town. We tried about...six was the charm. All those roundabouts can cause problems.

So off to the Dingle Penninsula - my personal favourite. We drove along the low mountains, along the coast (sometimes there was very little room between the clifside and our car - there was a lot of MARTHA DON'T LOOK)

Ferry crossingthe River Shannon. Dad enjoying the passing shoreline. It was rather windy - again.

We continued on north - had a look at the Cliffs of Moher, The Burren, stopped by the coast for a bit and then off to Galway. Stayed in a nice town just north of there in Taum.

The Cliffs of Moher:

Sligo Abbey:

Northern Ireland: