Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hello all!!!! So we have been in Croatia for...six dazs and i LOVE this countrz!!! The coast line is just stunning. Ange and i quiklez took a 5 hour bus ride from hell to split in order to meet up with Rach. But i must saz it was worth it. All we had arrange prior to the trip was that we would meet on the tuesdaz at 4 pm at the temple of jupiter. As all busses run behind tho we did not meet right waz - but it was kinda interesting to look out over the square and see rach looking around for us!!!

since then we have had a ball! We have explored split and i rather liked the citz - not that touristz at all. I got to swim in salt wate for the first time with reallz waves although ange still sazs thez were nothing like the waves in aussie land. we have taken a ferrz out to the island of kortula and spent some time on a secluded beach swimming, reading, realxing. we also explored that town and it is rather picturesque. Splurged a bit and went out for dinner and i tried some interesting seafood dishes. Tried calimari, scampi, white fish which was the best i have ever had in mz life including the gan fish!!! And mussles. I was surprised that i liked it that much.

Todaz off to a boat tour to see some more islands off of dubruvnic. Dubruvnik is just pout of this world!!! fantastic walls atmosphere. got to run as the boat will be leaving soon. Hope all is well and miss zou all.

Will post again soon, M.

Sunday, July 22, 2007


So finally school has come to an end over here!!!! Friday was the last day and it could not have come quick enough. The weather here has been quite rubbish to be fair. Lots of rain (friday we gor twwo months of rain in one day) so as a result there has been quite a bit of flooding. Trains cancelled becasue tracks covered, and all that. It has also been COLD!!!!! I have been wearing long sleeve shirts, a jumper and a coat to work because been so chilly. That will all change however as of tomorrow!!!!

Off on a five week travelling tour through eastern europe. Fly into Croatia tomorrow afternoon, run up the coast on Tuesday to meet Rach at Split and then spend some time working our way back down to Dubruvnik via the islands. Plan to explore a bit of Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria, Bosnia (if talking to mum please dont mention that one i think it would cause her to freak out - no worries it is completely safe to go to bosnia promise!), Romania and Bulgaria. I know it is a bit much but we are just playing it by ear as this is our holiday and we want to relax as well as explore.

Am going with Aussie friend ange as we both travel very well together and better to have two than one!!! Miss you all and hope this post is finding you well. Will post as i go to let you know where we are.


Sunday, July 08, 2007

Hey there all,

So, on the weekend of June 29 i flew off to Northern Ireland to meet Salina and Ryan for a minibreak. So good to see friendly faces from home!!!! It has been too long. Following work on the friday i got to the Birmingham airport and took off for Belfast! Walking out of the terminal i saw Salinas very bright smile and lots of hugs and a few tears were to be had. So good! Anyway so off we went to explore Belfast. Stayed at a hostel, that was not to bad - really good breakfasts. Then off to expore the giants causeway, cross a rope bridge in Balleycaslte, and oddly enough drive past Ryans work in the middle of nowhere! Stayed in Londonderry/ Derry the following night - the Walled city. Cool town. Salina and Ryan dropped me off at the airport on Sunday afternoond and then i was off to Birmingham for work on Monday, and Salina and Ryan were going into the Republic of Ireland. Wish i was going with them! Only two weeks left of school and then i am off on holiday! Here are a few picts from the weekend - the Giants causeway is just stunning and hard to comprehend.

Ballecastle, Northern Ireland coast:

Belfast and their Murals - they are all over the place!!!! A little different than those murals found in Athens don't you think!!!! They for sure reflect their Pro-British heritage, and the violence that they experienced in the years past. Met a man at a pub and got talking about "the troubles" - he remember them and would only have been in his 50's. Impossible to really comprehend because he said that it was really quite scary and war torn.
Giants Causeway area:

There are 40,000 of these interesting rock formations - shape is pentagonal