Sunday, July 22, 2007


So finally school has come to an end over here!!!! Friday was the last day and it could not have come quick enough. The weather here has been quite rubbish to be fair. Lots of rain (friday we gor twwo months of rain in one day) so as a result there has been quite a bit of flooding. Trains cancelled becasue tracks covered, and all that. It has also been COLD!!!!! I have been wearing long sleeve shirts, a jumper and a coat to work because been so chilly. That will all change however as of tomorrow!!!!

Off on a five week travelling tour through eastern europe. Fly into Croatia tomorrow afternoon, run up the coast on Tuesday to meet Rach at Split and then spend some time working our way back down to Dubruvnik via the islands. Plan to explore a bit of Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria, Bosnia (if talking to mum please dont mention that one i think it would cause her to freak out - no worries it is completely safe to go to bosnia promise!), Romania and Bulgaria. I know it is a bit much but we are just playing it by ear as this is our holiday and we want to relax as well as explore.

Am going with Aussie friend ange as we both travel very well together and better to have two than one!!! Miss you all and hope this post is finding you well. Will post as i go to let you know where we are.


1 comment:

Rachel said...

zaz! i mean yay! cant wait to see you. zou willl experience these crayz kezboards as well!!!


ps. see zou at the temple of Jupiter.