Friday, September 29, 2006

Hello All,

So another week has gone by. Time flies as i find it hard to believe that i have now been in Birmingham for over a month and a bit. You can tell that it is fall, or autumn as they call it here. It is much like home as it gets dark earlier everynight, there is just more rain here.

To become more interesting i have joined a salsa class on Thursday nights. Two of the girls that live down the street from me (both timeplan teachers - Rachel and Jacqui)are trecking along with me and last night was our first lesson. I do have to say that it was a great work out and laughter was the main feature of the evening. I am terrible, but can't wait to go back next week.

Things are well from what i hear back home. Bill and Monica Warren had a healthy baby girl born September 27, 2006 (Happy Birthday to Cindy by the way!!!). She was a healthy and heavy 9 pounds plus. Way to go Monica!!! Feel better.

Got to run. This weekend not sure what i am up to. May hit the Cadbury Chocolate factory.

Be well, Love


Monday, September 25, 2006

So, here is a photo, finally of the wedding. I must say that they all looked fantastic!!!

My weekend, was...interesting. First the good stuff. As i mentioned previously i climbed a castle and here it is!

After enjoying an afternoon tea in Caernarfon, looking at this wonderful sight, Jacq, Rachel, Ange and myself traveled to Llenberis, which was a small town at the base of the Snowdonian Mountains. It is known for its slate, as it was once a mine. Now it is known for the view.

After we flagged down a bus we travelled back to Llandudno and ate proper fish and chips by the ocean. Sunday the four of us climbed what is called the Great Orme - it is a very very very large rock.It has mountain like qualities so i am just saying that i climbed a mountain! Here are a few views from the top. (It even had wild goats and sheep wondering around)

This is the view of Llandudno west coastline:

Of course i did have that "little" problem with the bag on the train but i did get it back (went missing not once but twice). The train staff must all think that i am crazy, but i don't care it must have worked because i got it back!!!

Things are good . Work has been busy. Went to a football game on Saturday. Next weekend not sure what is up, but the Cadbury factory might be one desination!!! Few weeks from now we are planning a trip to Stonehendge. That should be interesting. Miss you all and will keep you updated.

Love Martha

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Hello Again,

So Murray and Sherri have finally made it legal. Congrats!!!!

I had a great weekend for the most part. Went to Northern Wales. Took the train out on Friday night (09/15/06) and arrived in Llandudno at about 10:00 pm. We stayed in the best hostel in the entire world. It was like a very nice bed and breakfast. You have to see it to believe.

Once settled in we took a trip down to see the ocean at night!!! Fantasitic view, and the water really does taste very salty. It is also interesting to see how the tide works - the difference between high and low is quite stricking.

Saturday the girls and I headed out by bus to see the country side. Took a trip to Caernarfon (which is on the North West coast of wales) and spent the morning there. Explored a Castle (below are some shots of this castle which was built in the 13th century, and is also the birth place of the title Prince of Wales. Charles was granted this title here in 69 at the age of 18). Now, i called Grandma McFaul from the top of one of these towers to wished her a happy 82nd birthday. What a view, but i have to say that those stairs were death traps. Small, steap, rough, and very high!!!!More pictures to come!!!!

Hope all is well. Will contact soon,

Love always, Martha

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hello All,

So i will be marking the end of my first week of full time teaching this Friday. And i am glad to have that at least done. It has been interesting and challenging, but i am glad that i am here. The kids are fun, if not a bit ...naughty at times. Sometimes i just wished that i did not have to talk because so many of the kids go into fits of laughter because they are not used to it.It will get better i am sure.

This weekend also will mark the marriage of Murray and Sherri. I am sorry that i am unable to fly home for the weekend (i did look into it and it would have cost about $2000.00 canadian in i would have been on canadian soil for the total of 15 hours). I hope that you enjoy your wedding! Send pictures!! As a celebration of your day, i am going to Wales for the weekend. Leaving Friday night and home Sunday. Will be posting pictures early next week. Much love to all,

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Now, i have a bit of catching up to do...below is a bit of a mix as i will explain. (All are pictures of the Birmingham area)

This i found interesting. Keep in mind that this is the same HMV music store that we have back home. Yes boys and girls these are real live records of current music. As you can see below you too can purchase the Pirates of the Carribean record to use in your own home!!!!

I have met some fantastic people as well. Below is a picture of Rachel and i ham'n it up in a local museum. These things in reality were rather creepy.

I have spent some time in the Botanical Gardens, and they are FANTASTIC! They have interesting plants, trees, and wild life. Below in a few photos illustrating my point, (and i got a few rather good shots if i say so myself - this new camera is a treat. Thanks again Murray and Sherri. It is being well used. And Em - so glad that your "little" gift is not so little. I holds a lot of info. It is also convenent as it just pops into the side of the computer! Got to love technology).

Yes, those are really big leaves. The plant kind of look like a really, really big pumpkin plant. Had the same type of texture as well.

While some people may tell you that Birmingham does not have grass, i am here to prove them wrong. See, for the price of 6 pounds approx $13.00 Canadian (or 3.50 for those of us lucky enought to have isic cards)any person in Birmingham can enjoy this beautiful, and rare sight. Grass has been known to cause minor accidents as people who have not seen it before stop to stare.

Hope all is well, and that you have enjoyed this edition of Martha's trip around Birmingham. More to come. (This weekend is a local arts festival that sounds pretty good).
So, i promised some pictures of both old and new Birmingham, so here goes.

This is what is called the Bullring. Now, Kathy would call this Heaven. It is an increadibly large shopping mall with stores ranging from the gap to Gucci. Clothing, computers (they have a Mac Store!!!), shoes, shoes, and shoes, everthing isat your finger tips.

This is the ferris wheel at Centenary Square. Just to let you know this is going to be a rare sight as it was sold yesterday to an Australia company. Moving on to bigger and better places our little ferris wheel is. Kinda glad as now i don't have to make up excuses as to why i should NOT go up in it.

Now, Birmingham is missing one major thing in my opinion. It lacks cafes. Salina, you would make a fortune here!! Get that machine of yours ready!!!! BUT, i do have to give this city credit as it does have one very cool cafe. If is on a boat. It floats down the canals, and i have been told it makes good coffee to boot. (useless jem of information: Birmingham has more canals than even Venice)

Hello All!!!

I have now been in the UK for approx. 3 weeks. Birmingham is an interesting city. It is a blend of both old and new. More pictures to come regarding that.

I have found a home as some of you may know. Here are a few pictures. I am sharing a flat with two british men and a polish girl. All seem very nice. Got to run. TTY soon, martha