Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Now, i have a bit of catching up to do...below is a bit of a mix as i will explain. (All are pictures of the Birmingham area)

This i found interesting. Keep in mind that this is the same HMV music store that we have back home. Yes boys and girls these are real live records of current music. As you can see below you too can purchase the Pirates of the Carribean record to use in your own home!!!!

I have met some fantastic people as well. Below is a picture of Rachel and i ham'n it up in a local museum. These things in reality were rather creepy.

I have spent some time in the Botanical Gardens, and they are FANTASTIC! They have interesting plants, trees, and wild life. Below in a few photos illustrating my point, (and i got a few rather good shots if i say so myself - this new camera is a treat. Thanks again Murray and Sherri. It is being well used. And Em - so glad that your "little" gift is not so little. I holds a lot of info. It is also convenent as it just pops into the side of the computer! Got to love technology).

Yes, those are really big leaves. The plant kind of look like a really, really big pumpkin plant. Had the same type of texture as well.

While some people may tell you that Birmingham does not have grass, i am here to prove them wrong. See, for the price of 6 pounds approx $13.00 Canadian (or 3.50 for those of us lucky enought to have isic cards)any person in Birmingham can enjoy this beautiful, and rare sight. Grass has been known to cause minor accidents as people who have not seen it before stop to stare.

Hope all is well, and that you have enjoyed this edition of Martha's trip around Birmingham. More to come. (This weekend is a local arts festival that sounds pretty good).

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