Friday, September 29, 2006

Hello All,

So another week has gone by. Time flies as i find it hard to believe that i have now been in Birmingham for over a month and a bit. You can tell that it is fall, or autumn as they call it here. It is much like home as it gets dark earlier everynight, there is just more rain here.

To become more interesting i have joined a salsa class on Thursday nights. Two of the girls that live down the street from me (both timeplan teachers - Rachel and Jacqui)are trecking along with me and last night was our first lesson. I do have to say that it was a great work out and laughter was the main feature of the evening. I am terrible, but can't wait to go back next week.

Things are well from what i hear back home. Bill and Monica Warren had a healthy baby girl born September 27, 2006 (Happy Birthday to Cindy by the way!!!). She was a healthy and heavy 9 pounds plus. Way to go Monica!!! Feel better.

Got to run. This weekend not sure what i am up to. May hit the Cadbury Chocolate factory.

Be well, Love


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