Saturday, October 07, 2006

Hello All,

So i spent the weekend in Bath, Salibury, and stonehenge. FANTASTIC!!!!!! But before we get into that i wanted to show you this picture. What can i say, you can't go to the UK and not have your picture taken in one of these!!!

Saturday spent some time in Salibury checking out the cathedral. What a sight. It is the largest church in Britain. There was a gorgeous court yard and a small building called the Chapter house(13th century). What a beauty of a building. The glass, the sculpture. What clever people built that structure. In this building is a document called the Magna Carta (1215). It is an original agreement made between King John and the Barons. Why is this important you may ask? It is this document that is noted as the foundation of democracy and provides the basis for many Consetutions (including the Declaration of Independence for the United States). It established freedom of the church,trial by jury,etc. Okay now that i have spilled some historical facts down your throuts i can move onto the fun stuff - pictures.

Jaquie, Ange, and Rach taking a bit of a break in the courtyard.

From inside the Cathedral...could you image walking down that isle Sherri!!!

Then we were off to see the Ruins. Stonehenge is impressive in its sear size and the detail. It is to bad that you can't get very close. (Little known fact - the stones at stonehenge are set in concrete. In the late 70's another stone had fallen. To prevent further damage all of the stone were set in contrete. Kinda ruined the experience (parden the pun). Still pretty cool view.

Then off to see the Avebury ruins which were kind of cool because you can get close to them and walk around them.

Returned to Bath for an evening of well...public relations between common wealth countries, aka drinking and relaxation. Will post more picts of the Roman Baths and the city of Bath on another edition of Martha's Travels. Please stay tuned and have your pets spayed or neutered.

Love to all,


1 comment:

marthamcfaul said...

Thanks Diane!!! So nice to hear from you. I think that it would be fantastic for you snd Mom to get together in November. Mom can have some relaxation and fun for a change. The summers can get stressful, as you know! I have more pictures to add but i have yet to find the time to download them. Will post them soon.

Lots of love and miss you
