Thursday, October 19, 2006

Okay, so here are a few pictures from the Roman Baths. It is quite a place. To think that these were built so long ago and they still work! I wonder who their plumbers were? They also had a great museum to boot.

Top View:

First Floor View:

While we were there we had the chance to have a taste test of this special Roman Bath water. It was...warm, and kinda gross. Oh well, you know the saying, when in Rome,...i mean in Bath...I mean, when in the Roman Baths!Whatever.

This girl served us our warm bath water.Yum. It was a once in a lifetime experience. Once was enough, especially since we were told that this H2O was nicly aged. Red Wine has nothing on this stuff. The water we drank is estimated to be 10,000 years old. I thought it smelled a little off.

Now, Bath is not "just" the Roman Baths. Across the Square is the Bath Abbey. It is yet another beautiful church in Britain. This one is rather interesting to me as it has two rather distinct sculptures carved on either side of the entry way. There are two ladders that start at the street and reach all the way to the top. On these ladders are angels climbing toward god. They are gorgeous.

This brings a whole new meaning to "Stair way to Heaven". I wonder...did anyone from Led Zeplin spend time in Bath.

And last but certainly not least nothing says funny like two acrobates performing outside the posh roman baths in nothing but g strings. I know this is not a very G rated picture but i had to include it. These guys were If you tried this in Ontario you would have the OPP going crazy.You would never get away with this!!!

1 comment:

marthamcfaul said...

Glad to hear that you got the postcards. Having a great time in scotland. Had some interesting experiences. Will fill you in sometime next week. miss you. TTYL M.