Saturday, December 30, 2006 have not hear from me in a while. There is a reason. Jac Ange and i have had a bit of a run in with the nasty side of Africa. We caught a bit of a bug (to say the least).

I think that i left off at...Rabat? Sale? Well we took the train to Casablanca nad there the trip started to go down hill fast. Fevers, Runny Poos, chills, and upset stomachs. Jac was hit first and then Me and Finally Ange. Ange and i had a chance to explore the city Casablanca a bit more than Jac but we did do a tour of the city. The nightmare was really the trip that we had to make from Casablanca to Agadir - ( 9 hour bus ride on a bus with NO toilet!!!! - and Runny poo (also known as TBI) ... it was a little sketch to say the least.)

Well let me tell you... We started out at the bus station to catch the 11:30 bus - which was delayed by an hour and we had no clue what was going on because no one seemed to speak english. My fench allowed me to figure out the the bus was "retarded" (late) by one hour - and it later turned out to be acually 2 hours.

Finally we get on the bus with the help of a nice guy named Youness. Thank GOD for Youness!!! That man helpd us more than we could ever tell him. Jac and Ange were really to fall over and i was not that far behind them as by the time we had to catch the bus we had not been able to keep anything in us for about 3 days. Talk about no energy.

Youness is a young guy (24) who was going home to visit his family for Holiday. He worked in Casa (as it is called in morocco) and his english was really good so he acted as our interpriture and guide making sure that we had what we needed. Which was great seeing that we had no energy to put forth a propper effort. He had asked us at one of the TWO (yes a 9 hour trip with 2 stops! When you have TBI it proved to be a bit of a challenge) what hotel we were staying in and when we told him he said that it was not good and we could not stay there becasue it was not nice at all. So this kind man called another place found out how much it was going to be (got the price down to 300 dhs which was cheaper than what we were planing to pay at the other place) and then left us to discuss what we wanted to do. We took him up on the new hotel offer. Once we arrived in Agadir (in one piece thank god) he walked us there. It was so nice of him.

The next day we got up and went to the chemist to get drugs. Felt better and stopped having TBI so off to the ocean we headed. I got to see some great waves. Jac went swimming (i was not so brave as it was rather cold but Jac loved it). Walked barefoot in the sand and in the waters edge and soaked up the sun. It was a great way to end the trip that was quickly turning into our own private hell. Youness joined us and we all had the chance to talk with him and ask him questions. Had a really good time.

Got to see the sun set over the ocean and it was really really beautiful. Then off to the airport.

That trip was kinda funny. Man did we laugh. There was the three of us in the back of a taxi and in the front was the driver, who spoke no english, Youness who wanted to come with us so he could say goodbye, and thehotel reception guy. That was kinda odd because we hadno idea what he was doing there. Turns out he lives on the way to the airport so he caught a lift.

So as the six of us are driving down the road we are listening to berber music and moroccan rap on the radio and speaking 3 different languages in the care (Youness was rather busy trying to make sure we knew what was going on). Then one of the highlights was seeing these two men on a moterized push bike (you know it really is a normal bike with a motor - still has the petels and everything). Now this is a rather normal sight in morocco - what made it rather interesting was the fact that these two men had a sheep stuck between them. It was so odd.

Now in Amsterdam. Had the Doctor in to the hotel and he gave us some drugs (we have caught a parasite he confirmed) and we threw out the old moroccan drugs because they were not the right kind to be taking.

Feeling a LOT better so we hope to enjoy the new years bash. To our dismay we are in amsterdam to celebrate new years and we are not allowed to drink because of the medication!! What luck we have been having eh!!!

Hope all is well with you and that you all have a great new years.

Miss and love you all,


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