Monday, August 13, 2007

Hello all, again.

So have an update, one that is not the best. Ange had meeting with the Australian officer. Passport eta - next mondaz. We have one more week in Bosnia. This is getting a little rediculious. While i love sarajevo and bosnia both ange and i are reallz reallz readz to leave!

Sorrz for complaining it just kinda hit us a bit. Did not realize that we were so looking forward to leaving so much.

But i guess there has to be a greater cosmic reason for keeping us here, to think otherwise would result in a lot of tears and both of us loosing the plot all together!!!!

Have not reallz posted health update as of late. I have been hit with...i dont know...something. Have not reallz eaten anzthing for seven dazs now. saving lots of monez bz doing this, and loosing some inches - but to be fair i would much rather EAT!!! Will be contacting the Canadian Embasy tomorrow about doctors in the area (was going to wait till next countrz but now with new passport date i dont think i could last that long!).

This travelling experience has been quite different than what was originallz planned! But we still have had a few laughs, and met some of the best people. There is alwazs a silver lining!

There is a film festival that starts on Fridaz so we hope to get some tickets to a few shows, and we just heard of a music festival that is in a town not to far awaz. might check that out. Of course must see the water falls in the north and we heard a rummer about some pryramids that have been found (if thez are real these would be the onlz ones outside of egypt(in this part of the world), and therefore quite significant!!!.

Who knows what the next daz will bring. For this trip that seems to be the moto. ONLY IN BOSNIA!!!!!
hope all is well. Miss and Love, M.

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