Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Okay, so this is what happened after i got off the net last night.

Ange, Rudy, and i are the talk of the town. We were in the interent cafe and ange overheard a converation about "the girl who had her passport stole...the camera...searched their room..." so once we were identified as the people in question we joined these fellow travellers. We never were without a beer. Everyone was really nice about it and realized what a shitty position we were in. Had a good time and ange got drunk (which she needed). Today got up. Went to get the money that anges mum had sent via western union (in my name because you must have id to pick it up - so screwed when you have no id / not even a library card!!!) So got that after some more red tape, calls to aussieland, and ten more lines!!!! nothing seems to move very quickly here!

Then we were off to the police station again/ it is really quite dsifficult to tell you about this place. it is a throw back to the 70's in many many ways. There was a guy at the front desk with a light tan striped collered shirt (again from the 70's) and you can see perfectly well the gun under his shirt, tucked into his pants. it is so odd!!! Right so we go back to the report room and get talking to another man about the report / his cheif has it at the moment so will be a few minutes- he makes a call to the cheif. Right so we sit down, We have a bit of a chat with the man then he gets back to work writing up reports. He is sitting there with a cig hanging out of his mouth, typing up some report with two fingers!!! The walls were so dirty from smoke, there were piles and piles of reports EVERYwhere. There was not much room lets just say.

Then we finally get the report. we leave. As we walk toward the main road we see three guys walk by. It is so odd when you bump into people that you know- especially in bosnia of all places!!! We had met these guys who were cycling through eastern europe while in Montenegro, and they were just walking down the street. Odd Odd Odd. Had lunch with them, then had to go to the consulate to finish some passport stuff.

It is not looking good by the way. I had to make the payment to the austrialian embasy in vienna (closest) because ange had no money at this point and of course no id )which it turns out you need for everything!!!!!) so because it was in my name they will know be able to link it to ange so that is 100 euro down the drain as we do not know how to get it back. Turns out that the girls who work at the aussie consulate are university students that work there for the summer and they really dont know much. We will likely not be leaving the country for at least 10 days and it may take longer. At this point we are hoping that ange can get out of the country before the start of school in september!!!!

Really is crap. So in order to lighten our spirits we are going to make the most of bosnia and sarajevo!!! Tonight we are meeting the american (joel, greg, and john) for drinks at the brewery. Once the paper work is sorted for the passport we are going to head south for a bit to do some exporing.

No worries we are safe and health. Will post again soon, Hope all is well,

Mis and Love you all


P.S. i got to see some pictures of aprils wedding and i must say that she looked stunning!!!!!


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness. in a way, i wish i was there with you! in a way, not. keep me posted.


marthamcfaul said...

I can say that you do NOT want to be here - although we are having a good time in the city, the stress is just not worth it. Ange has been stunning thou!!!!! miss you honey, m.