Friday, August 03, 2007

Hey all,

so it has been a bit since i last posted. Been traveling around montenegro. After cliff jumping into the adriatic we thought we had done all that dobruvnic had to offer. So Rach took off to catch her flight back to Canada and ange and i stayed one more night. then off to Montenegro. We stopped at a small town called Kotor and spent a few days there sitting on the beach, exploring the old town, and then climbing the wall. Now cant remember if i mented the city walls in dubruvnic - we climbed them and it was hard going during the heat of the day no to mention all the STAIRS!!!! Well in Kotor we climbed the fortress and city walls. They were built up the side of the mountain. There were 1370 steps!!!! we climbed them ALL!!!! the view was just out of this world. We also had the luck of being in kotor for the summer carnival. upsade we got to see some interesting dancing and music (very much influneced by their soviet past). down side is that the prices went up. So we were staying in the gheto - it was not the best and really got no sleep. so we moved on after two days (felt that we got to explore the city and get to know it so no need to stay) interesting note: i got to see the yaght owned by the Johnson and johnson company - it was called johnson baby - very fitting dont you think.

Then off we were to the capital to catch a bus to the north. We are at the moment staying in the mountain region surrounded by a very stunning national park. We went hiking one day through the mountain (and over quite a few). lead by a guide we made it 43 KM in 6 hours (not kidding here - or elevating my feet and knees can prove this!!!) The views were worth it and the sence od satisfaction. I slept well last night (other than i wish that i had put on sunscreen more often as bot hange and i got kinda burnt!). so as a reward we spent the day relaxing. we walked the 3 KM to the black lake at the base of one of the mountains and had lunch, read a bit, chated, and bumped into a could of guys that we had met earlier so had a nice visit as well.

Tonight we are off to the local disco with the people that we are staying with. They are really nice people but they dont speack much english and we speack no serbian!!! Interesting converations we have had. They have been welcoming giving us some really good homemade icecream following our long hike back and also some turkish coffee (which i had never had before and i must say it is quite good).

Tomorrow ange and i are getting on the 9:30 am bus to bosnia (sarijavo) for a fews days before we go onto serbia (belgrade).

All else is good. Will try to post again soon. Sorry no pictures yet but it is hard to get the right connection and interent in the middle of nowhere had been had to get!!!!

Hope you are all well, miss and love M.

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